Online Registration

The Wisdom of the Garden: A Poetry Workshop with Barbara Bloom

Dates: April 27 - May 18, 2025

Meets: Su from 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Location: Village Books--Readings Gallery

Registration Fee: $159.00

There are still openings remaining at this time.

"Wisdom is oftentimes nearer when we stoop than when we soar," the poet William Wordsworth tells us. In this interactive workshop for writers at all levels, we'll explore the writings of other poets on gardens and gardening, and play with writing our own garden-inspired poems. We'll consider questions like "How do you write about gardens in a fresh, unsentimental way?" "What has my garden taught me?" and possibly "What wisdom is the garden still trying to get across to me?" Homework will include spending time in a garden of your choice.
Fee: $159.00

Fee Breakdown

Course Fee (Basic)Registration Fee$ 159.00
Optional FeeKids College Scholarship 5$ 5.00
Optional FeeKids College Scholarship 10$ 10.00
Optional FeeKids College Scholarship 25$ 25.00

Village Books--Readings Gallery

1200 11th Street
Bellingham WA 98225
Date Day Time Location
04/27/2025Sunday10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Village Books--Readings Gallery
05/04/2025Sunday10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Village Books--Readings Gallery
05/11/2025Sunday10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Village Books--Readings Gallery
05/18/2025Sunday10:30 AM to 12:30 PM Village Books--Readings Gallery


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